Where to Begin

End of Life What?!?

So perhaps you landed on the Home Page, took the scenic route and read about TULIPS and you’re on board with this End of Life Planning thing… or perhaps you skipped right to this page and are ready to take some action and fill in the gaps as you go (I like your style!)

Either way, before you get going with making your own plan, you may want a few more details on what it actually involves. In which case, check out this video to help fill in the blanks >>>

Ready for the next step? Then why not…

Get your toes wet

It may be that you’d like to take a little more time to understand what end of life planning is and identify the bits most important to you.

If that’s the case, then take some time to peruse the bookshelf or why not download the 5 Things resource sheets and pick out the topics that are the most relevant to you.

End of Life Planning is about informed decision-making so taking a moment to soak up all the information is definitely time well spent.

Go for a paddle

If you’re ready to start taking a few small actions to start pulling your plan together, then that’s brilliant - slow and steady wins the race!

If you like to plan, enjoy making lists and following a process or structure, then go ahead and download the TULIPS Template and start there - it was designed just for you :)

If you prefer to skip ahead to the ‘getting things done’ part, then getting things in order with The ABC of Planning is the start line for you.

Jump right in

Maybe you’ve got all the information you need and you’re raring to go with making your End of Life Plan and you just want to get started.

Then perhaps you want to purchase a planner to write everything in or open an account with one of the online platforms available and fly solo from there (or be a rebel and do both?!)

And remember that if you get a little stuck along the way, or just need someone to talk things through with, then get in touch and I’ll do what I can to help..

“End of Life Planning is a delicate and sensitive subject, but it can also be a rewarding and meaningful one."